Let’s Abuse Grace…!

Let’s Abuse Grace…! 
We treat God’s Amazing Grace like it’s a Victim to Men’s Corruption and Mistreatment… 

Really? As if You can do something to catch God off Guard… As if You can out-shock the Scandalous Good News with your Misconduct and Error… You think You can Measure your measly incomparable sins and failures to the The Overwhelming, The Excessive, and the Unrestricted Favor of the Great I Am?

The Reality is, Grace Has Abused Me! 

I’m a Victim to God’s Beauty and His Righteousness…
I’m a Victim to His Goodness and a Sucker for his Presence…

Grace Has Abused Me to the Max… It has Violated my Every Self-Efforts and my False Pretense to be a Sinner… It has Violated my attempts to be in Adam… Grace has forever Chained me up to the Mercy Seat and Imprisoned me to a Force called the Trinity! 

If anyone has a reason to complain, it should be Me, not God!

I mean How Dare He Misuse His Grace to Make Me Holy?
How Dare he Misuse His Grace to Forgive Me?
How Dare he Misuse His Grace to Find Every Opportunity to Bless me?

How Dare he Abuse His Grace to Forever Declare me as a Son when All I Sought out in my Life was Sin?!

How Dare Jesus Who Knew no Sin Become Sin so that We might become the righteousness of God? That Greasy Gracer! That Grace Abuser! Someone Crucify that Heretic Again!

I’m going to expose Papa as the Hyper-Grace, Sloppy Agape, and as the Irresponsible Lover for who He is!

You know what actually? I Absolutely Love Abusing Grace!

The ways I Abuse Grace:
Loving the Unlovable.
Honoring the Disgraced.
Celebrating the Abused.
See the Value of a Human Life.
Being Extravagant in My Living.
Being Generous in My Giving.

I Love Misusing Grace to Love Jesus Even More and More every single Moment!
I Love Misusing Grace to Forgive those who have wronged me in the Past!
I Love Misusing Grace to Hope the Best things about My Friends, My Family, and my Life in the Future!
And I Definitely Love Misusing Grace to Enjoy His Unconditional Love and This Unbreakable Union in the Present!

I Love Abusing Grace to the Max… Seeing Everybody Included and Sin Excluded… Recognizing His Goodness and blinded to Men’s Failures… Acknowledging His Presence in the Midst of Offense and Transgression!

Papa Loves Using His Grace to Cover One’s Guilt and Shame… Papa Loves to Ignore The Accusations of Sin and of the Law… Papa Loves to See the Purity in His Sons when they are covered in Pig Manure and Dirt!

Religion will always accuse Papa’s Children for abusing Grace … Because Grace is Bad for it’s business… Because Grace will no longer focus on death… Because Religion knows that when a Person Misuse Grace, they won’t Misuse sin any Longer! 

Well the Truth is, I don’t think I’m Abusing Grace Enough!

I’m going to Abuse Grace to the Point where Every Crook and Every Criminal Understand the Freedom they have in Christ!… To Live in the Paradise of his Forgiveness!

I’m going to Abuse Grace to the Point where Every licentious and immoral person Recognizes they Are Free to Forsake their Lies and Embrace the Truth about them as a Saint!

I’m going to Abuse Grace to the Point where Every Satanists and Devil Worshipers can’t ignore the fact that their Souls Has Been Sealed by the Resurrection of Christ Jesus!

Saying One Can Overuse Grace is Like Saying One Can Burnout the Sun with their Sunbathing!

His Grace is Inexhaustible!

So Don’t worry what People Accuse you of… Don’t care about the Opinions of Judaizers and of the Circumcision…

So Keep Abusing Grace and Carry on!

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